Family Medicine PAC

Family Medicine PACThe Family Medicine Political Action Committee is the unified voice of family physicians in the State Legislature. It strengthens MAFP's efforts to impact health policy and the overall family medicine practice environment, and allows for MAFP members, their family and staff to collectively support Michigan legislators who support issues that uphold MAFP's mission.

The Family Medicine PAC collects contributions* into a single account and distributes them to candidates under the direction of the FMPAC Board of Directors. Copies of Family Medicine PAC reports are filed with the Michigan Department of State Bureau of Elections in Lansing.

*Financial contributions are accepted via MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express (you do not need to create a PayPal account) or download a contribution form. If your practice is incorporated, Family Medicine PAC voluntary contribution checks should be written on personal checks. Family Medicine PAC contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.


Family Medicine PAC Board of Directors

The Family Medicine PAC Board of Directors manages and ensures FMPAC is in compliance with all pertinent provisions set forth in its Bylaws.



Tina TannerTina Tanner, MD, FAAFP

Robert JacksonRobert Jackson, MD, MMM, FAAFP
Vice Chair
Allen Park

Karlene KetolaKarlene Ketola, MSA, CAE
Treasurer, Record Keeper

Rachel KlamoRachel M. Klamo, DO, MS, FAAFP
Ex Officio

E. Chris BushE. Chris Bush, MD, FAAFP
David EisingerDavid Eisinger, MD, MPA
Elizabeth PionkElizabeth 'Libby' Pionk, DO, FAAFP
Bay City