Pain Is Inevitable, Suffering is OptionalOn-demand WebinarWhile the current reimbursement system limits the availability of multidisciplinary approaches to pain involving psychologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and medical providers. Family physicians can play an important role in educating and helping patients best manage chronic pain. During this interactive session we will discuss the modern biopsychosocial models of pain, including how language, and we will review the evidence for pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments of chronic pain. Intended AudienceFamily physicians, family medicine residents, medical students, and life members FacultyPhilip Baty, MD CMEThis session is approved for 1 Enduring AAFP Prescribed credit. Term of Approval is from 08/16/2024 to 08/15/2025. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. It also meets the State of Michigan's pain and symptom management training requirement for medical licensure. Cost