Family Medicine Interest Groups
Michigan Academy of Family Physicians can come to your medical school's FMIG meetings—email [email protected] to schedule a date. LEARN MORE ABOUT FMIGs »Funding SourcesFamily Medicine Foundation of Michigan FMIG Funding InitiativeFamily Medicine Foundation of Michigan (MAFP's philanthropic arm) invites Family Medicine Interest Groups at Michigan's medical schools to apply for grant funding for the upcoming academic year. The funding is intended to support FMIG activities and efforts to increase student exposure to and interest in the specialty. APPLY BY APRIL 15 »Family Medicine Student Organization Grant ProgramThis program, supported by American Academy of Family Physicians and AAFP Foundation, funds a variety of medical student groups doing innovative work to grow and diversify the family medicine workforce and advance primary care. Two funding streams are available:
Applications open in early September. APPLY BY MARCH 31 »AAFP FMIG Student Membership Ambassador ProgramFMIGs build awareness of family medicine and communicate the benefits of Academy membership ... why not be rewarded for your efforts? The AAFP FMIG Student Membership Ambassador Program provides financial incentives for increasing AAFP and MAFP membership on your campus. For eligibility requirements and the exact incentives waiting for your FMIG, click the link below. FMIGs must designate a Student Membership Coordinator and register that individual with AAFP to receive incentives. The Student Membership Coordinator will also receive an incentive each time their FMIG earns an incentive. LEARN MORE » |