Brandon KarmoBrandon Karmo, DO, FAAFP

With the goal of helping to advance the family medicine specialty for his generation and advocate for current and future family doctors, Dr. Brandon Karmo joined the MAFP Board of Directors in 2017, one-year post-residency.

He has experience as both an independent and employed physician, which he feels allows him to bring a unique perspective to the board.

Dr. Karmo is currently employed by Ascension Medical Group at a practice in Farmington Hills, working alongside MAFP Board Member Dr. Madeleine McMall.


“I have been fortunate to experience firsthand the great work MAFP does to promote family medicine. Through advocacy, community service, and dedication to family physicians, the Academy is truly a leading voice for the specialty. I believe it is imperative that MAFP continues to advocate at the state and national level, and that we promote family medicine to the new generations of physicians. By serving, I am able to give back to the profession that has already given so much to me.”

It was during a rotation in his final year at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Pennsylvania, that Dr. Karmo experienced family medicine at Ascension Providence Hospital in Southfield, where he and his children were born and where he matched for residency.

During his time as a resident, Dr. Karmo achieved many milestones, including being named chief resident. It was also during this time that he first got involved with the Academy, by attending Michigan Family Medicine Advocacy Day and AAFP’s Family Medicine Advocacy Summit.


Engaging in these events and working under the mentorship of then-program director Dr. Karen Mitchell planted the roots for Dr. Karmo’s interest in getting more deeply involved with the Academy. Since then, not only has he served on the MAFP Board of Directors, but he has been a member of the Practice Management Committee and is a long-time volunteer on the Member Engagement Committee.

He credits his incredible mentors during medical school and residency, and the opportunity to give back to his community and profession, as impacting his decision to stay in Michigan to practice. Our state is a perfect fit for him and his young family, he said.

Outside of the Academy, Dr. Karmo is active with the Chaldean American Association of Healthcare Professionals, where he enjoys giving back to his community through health fairs and various outreach programs. He is also an assistant professor of family medicine at Michigan State University. He has interests in research and disease prevention through preventive medicine.